
The Future of Craft - London Craft Week with Design Nation

I'm very excited to be showing at London Craft Week Thursday 12 - Sunday 15 May 11am - 6pm

I’m exhibiting my Portrait of an Engineer series and my Boat Builders at Bargehouse, a fantastic industrial building at Oxo Tower Wharf. The perfect setting for these two projects both about people who make things but with quite different perspectives at different points in their careers.

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Community Stitch Challenge

Join Emily Jo Gibbs at her kitchen table and have a go at hand stitched appliqué, a creative focus for people who are isolated and missing their usual textile groups and courses. A project.

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Emily MacKillop
The Boat Builders - Dave ‘Curly’ Bolwell - Foreman Shipwright

Curly came to Berthon as an Apprentice Joiner 35 years ago. He left school to start an apprenticeship with a different Boat company but they went bust within 2 days of him starting. He had liked Woodwork at school he had a really inspiring teacher who also taught him to carve and offered him a job making Gypsy Caravans, but Curly had been determined to do an apprenticeship.

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Emily MacKillop
Selvedge Magazine

I'm very excited to have this super article by Mary Schoeser in the Nov/Dec issue of Selvedge Magazine.

Mary came to see me in July on what felt like the hottest day of the year and the builders where in next door! We contended with the heat and the noise, drank iced water and had a lot of laughs. Mary's article reflects that my work is all about conversations which is rather lovely.

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Emily MacKillop
Lymington Boat Builders

I am delighted to have been invited by St Barbe Museum and Gallery to make a new body of work for a solo exhibition in the spring. March 27 - April 26 2020.

I will be making a series of portraits documenting Boat Builders and their Apprentices working for Berthon in Lymington – highlighting the Value of Making and the importance of skilled labour. A celebration of the often maligned (in our increasingly narrow education system) the non-academic student.

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Emily MacKillop