January at Trinity Buoy Wharf
I’ve now moved into the brilliantly located Wheel House on the Wharf, it’s right on the river. I’ve started stitching an appliqué of some of the people I’ve been meeting who work on the Wharf. I’m imagining this piece growing into a long ribbon as I meet different people, draw them, cut them out and then stitch them on. My process is slow and has many layers of intricacy but I’m excited to be started.
Workshops are underway. I’m one of the Tutors on a new Saturday Craft and Making Club at Trinity Buoy Wharf for 13-16 year olds. This is part of the NationalSaturdayClub and is Free. There are spaces, please check it out and please share, registration is open until the end of January.
Also in my role as Artist in Residence I ran a Layering Colour workshop at the John Ruskin Prize exhibition, this workshop was really well attended and it was brilliant to have a wide age range of people taking part, if you came along thank you for making it really fun.
If you would like to come and see what I’m doing, there is an open invitation to join me in the Orchard Cafe on Tuesday mornings 10-12. You could come and stitch or sketch along side me. Either on something you have already started, or there is a collaborative cross stitch piece you could add some stitches to.
Open invitation to join me in the Orchard Cafe on Tuesday mornings 10-12
Layering Colour workshop at the John Ruskin Prize exhibition